How to Control Your Anxiety and Blood Pressure by Larry Dolson

How to Control Your Anxiety and Blood Pressure

It's a common belief that blood pressure produces a direct reflection on anxiety. While it is a possible cause, this is not always true. In fact, more often than not, anxiety is not the cause of high blood pressure. So what is the cause? Look at the diet you eat. Do you take in a lot of grains and sugars? Do you drink a lot of coffee or alcohol? All of these things affect your blood pressure much more than anxiety. So, with that being said, how does one control both anxiety and blood pressure at the same time?
Here's the trick, and it's tough: exercise. You don't need expensive prescription drugs with dangerous side effects to treat high blood pressure. In fact, more than half of the people on high blood pressure medication still suffer. A huge cause of high blood pressure is obesity. By normalizing your body weight, you're doing yourself a huge favor. Also, normalize your diet. Stop eating so many grains and sugars! And caffeine is an issue as well. Cut down on the cups of coffee you have in the morning. Caffeine is a stimulant which makes the heart beat faster and harder. Also consider your nicotine intake. While smoking may make you feel temporarily relaxed, in the long run it does the opposite. Nicotine is a stimulant and has been known to trigger panic attacks. So, drop that cigarette right now. It's horrible for you in more ways than one.
Exercise, of course, is king when combined with a better diet. Not only will you normalize your body weight, but you will eliminate stressors and anxieties in your life. There's a chemical called serotonin, which is anxiety's enemy. Think of it as happy medicine. Think of exercise as serotonin in pill form. Exercise releases mass amounts of serotonin into your body, eliminating most stress and leaving you feeling great after a workout. The exercise doesn't necessarily have to be rigorous either. A simple thirty minute walk every day will do wonders for your body and anxiety if you eat right.
And finally, get some sun. Sunlight has been known to ease depression as well as anxiety. Ever wonder why we refer to cloudy days with no sun as "gloomy?" That's why. Go for a walk in the park. Read a book outside. If you're in school, ask your teacher to have class outside if it's nice. It will drop the stress levels in the class, and perhaps you might focus better.
All in all, anxiety usually doesn't have a direct link to hypertension, but it can be a factor in some circumstances. There are ways to combat both at the same time even if you only have anxiety or if you suffer from high blood pressure. I'll say it three times: Exercise. Exercise. Exercise. When serotonin floods the body, you'll feel better. Plus you'll be burning calories and shaping your body. And don't forget to watch what you eat, quit smoking, and quit drinking so much coffee.


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