Are Cancer Treatments Effective - The Real Story by Lena Sanchez
Are Cancer Treatments Effective I do not wish this article to be discouraging and I do offer an alternative at the end, so do not despair half way through reading. Let's look at the 2000 sad stats on American Healthcare's $1.3B industry. 1 out of 3 people get cancer, 1 out of 2 get heart disease, obesity is at epidemic levels, 70% of children are getting hardening deposits in their arteries as early as 12 years of age. And here is the worst one of all, 62% of accidental deaths are attributed to prescriptions. 2001 found prescription deaths greater than illegal drug deaths. In 2000 109,000 people died from prescription drugs another 2.2 million survive but have illnesses or severe debilitation caused by prescription use. So what does that tell you about how well we are doing as a westernized medical society? The figures for 2001 & 2002 aren't in yet but believed to be even more severe. "Deadly Medicine? Every year over 500,000 people worl...