You Will NEVER Again Throw Away Onion Peels After Reading This
If you knew that something you usually throw away has a lot of benefits, would you start saving it? Onion skin is known to be extremely beneficial for your health. Yes, the pungent smelling scales that you peel off and toss in the trash box can actually work wonders for your skin.
Although, onion peels aren't edible, but they are quite useful if you understand their beneficial properties. Here are some ways in which onion skin can be helpful to us.
You can store it in water overnight and use the remaining water after all the beneficial agents have been absorbed by the water. It can be used for rashes, allergies or skin eruptions.
If you're someone who's haunted by flies and mosquitoes in your home, onion peel can help. Use the same water mentioned above and place it outside your windows and doors. The strong smell of the onion skin water will repel insects.
After thoroughly washing your hair, just rinse it with some onion skin broth. It will leave a softening and nourishing effect on your hair.
Yes, onion skin can also lower your bad cholesterol levels. But that doesn't mean you can replace it with exercise or healthy eating habits. Make an onion skin broth and drink it on a daily basis. You can add some honey or sugar in it if you don't like the taste.
Due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, onion skin broth can also be used as a tonic for stomach infections. If your doctor has advised medications, you can couple them with the onion skin broth as well.
Along with being anti-inflammatory and filled with antioxidants, onion peels contain an enzyme known as 'Quercetin' which helps in fighting cancer cells. You can prepare onion skin tea and have it every day before bedtime.
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