Awareness Regarding Acoustic Trauma by Eliza Anderson

Awareness Regarding Acoustic Trauma.

Acoustic trauma is a type of injury commonly caused by an exposure to high decibel noise. This type of injury can also be linked to a single extreme loud sound or in contrast to an extremely low sound over a prolong period of time. In some cases regarding this, it can also be caused by an extreme trauma to the head causing a fissure to the eardrum or any part of the inner ear.
The eardrum that protects the middle and inner ear and also the one responsible for transmitting vibration signals to the brain gets damage due to this kind of trauma. The vibrations in which the eardrum transmits gets disrupted when acoustic trauma occur resulting to loss of hearing.
There are two types of this kind of trauma. The doctor will diagnose if this is the result of a trauma from injury or a trauma from an extremely loud noise.
There are people in different kinds of situation are susceptible in developing this kind of trauma and they are:
- People who work in an industrial development company and frequently exposed to the sound of industrial equipment for a long period of time.
- People who are either living or working in an environment prone to high decibel sounds for a long period of time.
- People who frequently go to concerts and other events with extreme high music.
- People who frequent in gun ranges.
In general people who are frequently exposed to extreme sound higher than 85 decibels are more susceptible to develop this trauma.
Symptom of this trauma is loss of hearing. At first patients may experience complication in hearing high frequency sounds and develop difficulty in hearing low frequency sound as it progress. The most common symptom of this trauma is tinnitus. It is a type of hearing disorder that naturally resulting to hearing buzzing or ringing sound. Tinnitus can develop by the use of medications, blood vessel changes, and frequent and prolong exposure to loud noise. Tinnitus often developed to this trauma especially if it originated to hearing prolonged high frequency decibels.
Diagnosis includes an interview with a doctor regarding the instances of prolonged exposure to high decibels. Most of the time doctors will use audiometry to determine symptoms of this condition.
Treatment of this condition includes:
- Ear protection
- Medications
- Vitamins and supplements
- Tech. hearing and assistance
Always keep in mind that you need to take good care of your health to a happy and great life ahead.


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