
Showing posts from March, 2015

Chemical compound found in ants helps treat Cancer

Part of the latest discovery is that a chemical compound called sodium formate found in most natural organisms like ants and nettles is very effective in treatment of cancer that it helps shut down cancer cells guess we are going to tell cancer patients to start eating ants(pls don't try it).Research has shown that it makes a cancer drug 50 to mes more effective if combined with it and I guess this is an answer to prayere of cancer pa tients.

Little things about virus you need to know

A virus is an organism that contains a DNA fused in a protein coat and funny enough,a virus cannot live outside an host because it cannot metabolize (create food)on its own .so if you are infected with a virus it becomes living when it gets inside you.It becomes dormant (inactive) the moment it leave your body. Virus becomes a pathogen when it infects a cell VIRAL PATHOGENESIS MECHANISM Viral pathogenesis is very dependent on: -gaining access to the host -evading the host defenses -reproducing itself and causing damage and death of the host cell